Επισκεφθείτε τους Βασιλικούς τάφους και το μουσείο της Βεργίνας.

Ένα μουσείο στην καρδιά της Μακεδονίας

Η πόλη της Βεργίνας 75χλμ δυτικά της Θεσσαλονίκης και μόλις 12 χλμ μακριά από την Βέροια φιλοξενεί ένα από τα σημαντικότερα μουσεία του Ελληνικού χώρου με ξεχωριστή ιστορία και πλούσια κληρονομιά. Η σκοτεινή, επιβλητική του ατμόσφαιρα εντυπωσιάζει ευχάριστα τους περισσότερους επισκέπτες.

Κάποια από τα πιο ξεχωριστά και εντυπωσιακά ευρήματα από την περίοδο της Μακεδονικής Ηγεμονίας που χαρακτηρίζει την Ελληνική ιστορία εκτίθενται με πολύ έξυπνο τρόπο στο σημείο που έλαβαν μέρος οι αρχικές ανασκαφές! Το μουσείο κατασκευάστηκε το 1993, περίπου 16 χρόνια μετά την ανακάλυψη των Βασιλικών Τάφων στις Αιγές.

Δημιουργήθηκε με τέτοιο τρόπο και μέριμνα ώστε να προσφέρει τις κατάλληλες συνθήκες με ελεγχόμενη υγρασία και θερμοκρασία που είναι απαραίτητη για όλα τα πολύτιμα ευρήματα προκειμένου να διατηρηθούν κατάλληλα και να προφυλαχθούν. Εντός του μουσείου βρίσκονται τέσσερις τάφοι και το «Ηρώον», ένας μικρός ναός αφιερωμένος στον Βασιλιά Φίλλιπο Β των Μακεδόνων.

Μακεδονικοί Θυσαυροί και πολύτιμα εκθέματα

Στο μουσείο εκτίθενται εκατοντάδες μοναδικά αντικείμενα τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν περίτεχνες χρυσές δημιουργίες, πολυτελή κοσμηματοποιία, πολύχρωμες τοιχογραφίες και ψηφιδωτά αλλά και εκατοντάδες άλλα αρχαία αντικείμενα, όπως ένα εξαιρετικά πλούσια σκαλισμένο κρεβάτι ταφικού χαρακτήρα τα οποία χρησιμοποιούνταν από την Βασιλική οικογένεια.

Κάποια από τα πιο εντυπωσιακά εκθέματα τα οποία σίγουρα ξεχωρίζουν είναι η ασπίδα και πανοπλία του Φιλλίπου Β και η φημισμένη χρυσή λάρνακα που βρέθηκε στον τάφο του. Πλούσια διακοσμημένη με λουλούδια, τα πέταλα των οποίων γεμίζουν με γαλάζιο γυαλί και φυτικά κοσμήματα που διακρίνονται έντονα εξαιτίας της χρυσής επιφάνειας, έχει ως κύριο χαρακτηριστικό της ένα μεγάλο δεκαεξάκτινο αστέρι αναπτυσσόμενο στην επιφάνεια της. Ένα εντυπωσιακότατο χρυσό στεφάνι το οποίο αποτελείται από 313 χρυσά φύλλα και μαγεύει με την εκπληκτική του λεπτομέρεια βρέθηκε εντός της Λάρνακας.

Ένα ακόμα έκθεμα το οποίο προκαλεί τον θαυμασμό ακόμα και σήμερα λόγω του μεγέθους του είναι οι μικρογραφικές προσεκτικά σκαλισμένες φιγούρες διαφόρων προσώπων από ελεφαντοδόντο. Πέρα από την απίστευτη λεπτομέρεια που τις διακρίνει, η προθήκη φύλλων χρυσού σε πολλές από αυτές βελτιώνει κατακόρυφα την αισθητική τους. Το τμήμα είναι αφιερωμένο εις μνήμην του καθηγητή Μανώλη Ανδρόνικου, του ανθρώπου που έφερε στο φως όλους αυτούς τους θησαυρούς ενώ προσέφερε σημαντική βοήθεια στην αναγνώριση, συντήρηση και αποκατάσταση τους.

Όλα αυτά τα εντυπωσιακά ευρήματα συνοδευόμενα και από πολλά άλλα όπως ο πασίγνωστος «Κρατήρας του Δερβενιού» που εκτίθεται στο Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Θεσσαλονίκης είναι κάποια από τα πιο όμορφα και λεπτομερή παραδείγματα της υψηλής εξειδίκευσης που συναντάμε στην Αρχαία Ελληνική Τέχνη και Κοσμηματοποιϊα. Η ευκαιρία να θαυμάσει κανείς όλα αυτά τα αριστουργήματα είναι μια εμπειρία που δεν πρέπει να χαθεί!

Η όμορφη πόλη της Βεργίνας παρά το μέγεθος της προσφέρει στον επισκέπτη ορισμένες βασικές ανέσεις απαραίτητες για κάθε περίπτωση. Θα βρείτε εύκολα καφετέριες και όμορφες παραδοσιακές ταβέρνες για να απολαύσετε το γεύμα σας η το ποτό σας, ενώ τα τοπικά ξενοδοχεία προσφέρουν τις βασικές ανέσεις σε πολύ καλές τιμές για όσους επιλέξουν να παραμείνουν περισσότερο από μια μέρα. Προτείνεται ανεπιφύλακτα για τους φίλους των μουσείων και όχι μόνο.


Go Skopelos.! Go Greece.!!

Its distance from industry and marine traffic has kept the seas around Skopelos among the cleanest and clearest, in Greece. Island geology has produced both sandy beaches such as the long strand at Kastani and pebble such as Panormos, although even the pebble beaches quickly shelve into sand. The waters off its estimated sixty-seven miles of beaches, some of which are only accessible by boat, with dense forest rising above low white limestone cliffs, have earned it the nickname of the “green on blue” island. Its many bays, coves and open-sea beaches attract swimmers, divers and sailors, aboard both modest and opulent craft, throughout the season and some hardy islander even swim daily year-round.

Parts of the island interior are still untrod by humans, but its renovated network of kalderimi, stone-laid footpaths, is opening up its forests, mountains and hidden valleys in remote areas once only accessible by donkey or four-wheel-drive. A short stroll or hike can take you into breathtaking wilderness in just minutes.

While recent decades have seen many changes, life here is still measured by its main crops of plums, almonds and olives, although a phylloxera outbreak in the 1940s destroyed many of the island vineyards. Its three main fishing fleets at Skopelos, Elios and Loutraki, supply almost all the island’s fish and its beekeepers its deservedly famous honey. Its reputation as a shipbuilder for the War of Independence in the 1820s has declined, but carpentry, fine and domestic, remains a strong tradition. While some younger islanders leave for education or careers, many also choose to remain or return.

Skopelos was inhabited as early as the Neolithic age, founded, in myth, by Staphylos, son of Dionysus and Ariadne, who named it Peparethos, and who named the bay and modern settlement of Stafilos, where relics from the Minoans era were discovered in the 1936s. Its less godly early settlers were probably explorers from Crete, bringing vines and other crops with them.

The island shares the region’s history of centuries of settlement by Macedonians, Romans, the Byzantine Empire, Venice, the Ottoman Empire and the declaration of the First Hellenic Republic in 1832. It was occupied by Axis forces in the Second World War and , since 1944 , has been part of Magnesia in the administrative region of Thessaly. It is a matrilineal society, with a population of just under five thousand and many customs and festivals unique to the island.

Its architecture, of tall and narrow stone houses, with wooden balconies and roofs of grey Pelion slate, was awarded the status of Traditional Settlement of Outstanding Beauty status in 1978 and the island has over three hundred Byzantine churches. Source: www.skopelos.gr

Stay in Santorini to enjoy a romantic sunset and more.!!

Santorini may well have conquered a corner of your imagination before you’ve even set eyes on it. With multicoloured cliffs soaring over 300m from a sea-drowned caldera, it rests in the middle of the indigo Aegean, looking like a giant slab of layered cake. The island spoons the vast crater left by one of the biggest volcanic eruptions in history. Smaller islands curl around the fragmented western edge of the caldera, but it is the main island of Thira that will take your breath away with its snow-drift of white Cycladic houses lining the cliff tops and, in places, spilling like icy cornices down the terraced rock. When the sun sets, the reflection on the buildings and the glow of the orange and red in the cliffs can be truly spectacular.

Santorini is no secret and draws crowds for most of the year, yet it wears its tourism well and its offerings make it worth the bustle. The island’s intrigue reaches deep into the past, with the fascinating Minoan site of Akrotiri and the gorgeous traditional hilltop village of Oia. It also glides effortlessly into the future with accomplished artists, excellent wineries, a unique microbrewery, and some of the Cyclades finest accommodation and dining experiences. The multicoloured beaches are simply the icing on the cake.


The results of our Free Accomodation Contest.!

The Stay-Offers.com and  TourismApps  would like to announce and inform you about the results of our Contest for Free Accomodation for 3 days (2 nights) in May at Athosthealuxury rooms at Sarti in Halkidiki-Greece. The Winner’s name of our Contest is: Athena Bentila.

Congratulations and have a nice Stay.


The Stay-Offers.com  organize with Tourismapps


Win a 3 days Stay at Thea Athos luxury rooms  at Sarti of Halkidiki.

The Offer concerns one  lucky winner only, and includes a deluxe stay at a  double room for 2 nights (3 days) with  breakfast. The winner will be able to make use of Free Stay until the end of May 2016. Your reservation will be made after contacting  the property, and  will subject to the availability of the accommodation. Public holidays and celebrations are excluded.


Contest Start: 12/04/2016

Contest Ends: 10/05/2016


Take part and Win!     

                                                                                                                                      Good luck!


Stay and Save at Skiathos island in Greece.!!


Where: part of the Sporades island group (Skiathos, Skopelos, Alonissos, Skyros).

Why: Skiáthos is the most cosmopolitan island of the Northern Sporades. Despite the rapid growth in tourism here in recent decades, it is still picturesque and unspoilt. Over 60 beaches with crystal clear waters adorn the island, the most famous of which is Koukounariés, which has been declared as the third most beautiful beach in the Mediterranean. When you add in its bustling nightlife, it is only natural that the island attracts thousands of young visitors every year!

Must visit: the capital town of Skiathos with its stone paved streets and white houses; the picturesque harbour surrounded by four small islets; beautiful Boúrtzi, a small islet with lush vegetation where the ruins of a Venetian fortress stand; the house and now museum of the famous author Alexandros Papadiamantis and the Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary with its four museums. Follow a breathtaking route to explore the beauties of the island starting from Asélinos, past Kounistra Monastery, Small Asélinos Beach and Alygariés Beach ending at Kehriá Beach.

Where to stay: A plethora of hotels and rooms to let are available; if you are looking for something more alternative however, try the campsite at Koukounariés.

Join in with: The many colourful cultural events, concerts and art exhibitions held throughout the summer add a special touch to holidays on the island!

Hot tip for young people: The pedestrianised street by the Old Harbour is the ultimate hotspot for entertainment! Buzzing bars and clubs keep youngsters rocking through the night and until the early morning! The party continues in the area of Ammoudiá (on the road to the airport) where entertainment addicts celebrate in big open air clubs!

Live your myth at Halkidiki in Greece.!!

They say that nowhere in Greece can boast beaches like those of Halkidiki. The region has the perfect combination of that distinctive Greek light, unspoiled landscapes, colours and fragrances. And the glorious natural setting is complemented by the rich culinary fare of the region and the living religious traditions of its people, manifested in a host of feast days and other ceremonies and rituals.

This is a place where all your senses will come to life, whether on the endless expanses of sand of the fashionable, cosmopolitan beaches, or in the intimacy of the many secluded bays and coves. The scent of the pine trees and the salt brine of the sea combine to relax the body and spirit, leaving you at peace to enjoy the grandeur of the regions famed sunrises and sunsets.

It is said that the great philosopher Aristotle loved the honey of Halkidiki, and you too will love the land and the rich produce of its gardens and orchards. The region is formed of three peninsulas or “feet”, each with its own unique charm, history and magic. There is Kassandra, or Pallini, scene of the Battle of the Giants in ancient mythology Sithonia, a magical place of green forest and blue sea and Mt. Athos, the world’s only monastic state, home to twenty historic monasteries. Truly a place of dreams, and you dream has only just begun… They say that nowhere in Greece can boast beaches like those of Halkidiki. The region has the perfect combination of that distinctive Greek light, unspoiled landscapes, colours and fragrances. And the glorious natural setting is complemented by the rich culinary fare of the region and the living religious traditions of its people, manifested in a host of feast days and other ceremonies and rituals.

This is a place where all your senses will come to life, whether on the endless expanses of sand of the fashionable, cosmopolitan beaches, or in the intimacy of the many secluded bays and coves. The scent of the pine trees and the salt brine of the sea combine to relax the body and spirit, leaving you at peace to enjoy the grandeur of the regions famed sunrises and sunsets.

It is said that the great philosopher Aristotle loved the honey of Halkidiki, and you too will love the land and the rich produce of its gardens and orchards. The region is formed of three peninsulas or “feet”, each with its own unique charm, history and magic. There is Kassandra, or Pallini, scene of the Battle of the Giants in ancient mythology Sithonia, a magical place of green forest and blue sea and Mt. Athos, the world’s only monastic state, home to twenty historic monasteries. Truly a place of dreams, and you dream has only just begun…

Myconos the cosmopolitan and glamourous island in Greece.!!!

Mykonos. The most famous island in Greece and, with no doubt the most cosmopolitan in Cyclades islands. Its name is connected with entertainment and endless parties. But Mykonos does not offer only that. It is the island of surprises. It has unique beauties, other known and others still unexplored…

The island of winds, as locals call it, is almost in the center of Cyclades islands and between Tinos and Naxos. It’s the closest island to Delos. Boats from the port of Mykonos make trips to the sacred island of antiquity.

Mykonos is one of the first islands in Greece that made tourist worth of its natural pores, sun and sea. It started to spread its rumor in the middle 1950’s when the first visitors started to arrive in the island.

In the middle 60’s Mykonos was already the favourite travel destination of celebrities from the international jet set. During the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s Mykonos became fashionable for every artist, politician or businessman of that time. Important personalities like Aristoteles Onasis, Maria Kallas, Tzaki Kennedy – Onasi, Brigit Bardo, Zan Moro and Grace Kelly are some of the celebrities that visited this Aegean island in regular bases.

Mykonos is no longer a fashionable place, but a stable value. Many Greek celebrities have chosen to build their rural houses in the island in order to make strong connections with Mykonos.

But what, really makes Mykonos so famous? The enchanting capital with authentic beauties, traditional architecture and plain charm, attracts all visitors.

Alefkandra or Litle Venice, is a unique neighborhood in Greece. Waves splash windows and create a unique landscape. The neighborhood of Kastro, the church of Panagia Paraportiani, the Archaeological Museum, the picturesque Windmills and shopping in Matogianni, the famous street with fashion boutiques, are some of the hot spots of Mykonos island.

Mykonos’ beaches are famous all around the world, offering all sorts of entertainment. You can combine swimming, sports and leisure. Super Paradise and Paradise are the top and most famous beach in Cyclades islands. Elia beach with an endless golden shore and crystal clear waters is ideal for swimming. If you are a lover of sports, visit Platys Gialos, with all the appropriate infrastructures for water sports.

The beach of Agios Ioannis gained international fame, when the Hollywood movie Shirley Valentine was shot there.
All around the island you will find short and extended shores, organized beaches and virgin coasts, for every taste.
Kalafatis, Ftelia, Ornos, Psarou, Tourlos, Houlakia, Agios Stefanos, Ano Mera and Megali Ammos, are some of them.

Mykonos offers a pleasant accommodation in the luxurious hotel complexes and villasand in the rooms to let all around the island. Prices are affordable for every traveler.

The island has regular connection with the ports of Piraeus and Rafina. There is an airport connecting Mykonos with Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities in Greece. There are charter flights from all around the world during summer period.

Visit Mykonos and live the holidays of your dreams…A6748365BDBF44F6F4E3A1CD4B3FF91B